The Ambient VIDEOS …

| SYNCOPIA | Behind-the-Scenes |

[ Ambient VIDEOS ]

SYNCOPIA | A Musical Voyage

The scene-videos below are being produced as ambient backdrops for the SYNCOPIA voyage, providing both visual and sonic environments within which the story and musical show unfolds. 

This web page — and others that will be added here over time  — are part of an open portal we are creating, to allow people a glimpse into the ongoing production of the project in real-time.

SCENE 1 | The Cliff

*NOTE: This is a short preview only … the full version is in production*

Born a prince into an ancient royal lineage, a teenage boy named Ejad has taken respite on one of his family’s royal islands, in an effort to get some distance from the expectations of his uncle’s military palace. 

SCENE 2 | The Messenger

*NOTE: This video is a short PREVIEW clip only … full video is in production*

Meanwhile, in response to a sacred call, an eagle-spirit messenger journeys from the Galactic Core, to help awaken the boy to his purpose …

SCENE 3 | The Butterfly

*NOTE: This video is a short PREVIEW clip only … full video is in production*

Following a curious butterfly across the island,  into a magical forest …

SCENE 4 | The Cyclone

*NOTE: This video is a short PREVIEW clip only … full video is in production*

… he mistakenly activates an ancient stone temple on the top of the island, resulting in an immense storm …

SCENE 5 | The Cavern

… which sucks the boy deep below the island into a mysterious cave, where invisible Keepers of the Crystal and a beautiful mermaid call him on a mission, to help save her people from dark forces that have enslaved her world.

SCENE 6 | The Mermaid

*NOTE: This video is a short PREVIEW clip only … full video is in production*

(Scene SUMMARY coming soon.)

SCENE 7 | The Seaport

  Led by his eagle companion and guide, Ejad finds himself in a nearby seaport at the mouth of the Great River, where a fortune-teller speaks of the omens and signs that call him to the Great Metropolis to the south.

SCENE 8 | The Riverway

 Uncertain of how to get there, the boy wanders the shipyards, where he encounters a wise ship captain, who agrees to take the boy down the river to the great city.

*NOTE: This video is a short PREVIEW clip only … full video is in production*

SCENE 9 | The Tower

*NOTE: This video is a short PREVIEW clip only … full video is in production*

(Scene SUMMARY coming soon.)

SCENE 10 | The Crystal

*NOTE: This video is a short PREVIEW clip only … full video is in production*

(Scene SUMMARY coming soon.)

SCENE 11 | The Secret

*NOTE: This video is in production*

(Scene SUMMARY coming soon.)

SCENE 12 | The Collapse

*NOTE: This video is in production*

(Scene SUMMARY coming soon.)

SCENE 13 | The Abyss

*NOTE: This video is in production*

(Scene SUMMARY coming soon.)

SCENE 14 | The Spell

*NOTE: This video is in production*

(Scene SUMMARY coming soon.)

SCENE 15 | The Awakening

*NOTE: This video is in production*

(Scene SUMMARY coming soon.)

SCENE 16 | The Goddess

*NOTE: This video is in production*

(Scene SUMMARY coming soon.)

SCENE 17 | The Sword

*NOTE: This video is in production*

(Scene SUMMARY coming soon.)

SCENE 18 | The Tribe

*NOTE: This video is in production*

(Scene SUMMARY coming soon.)

SCENE 19 | The Mountain

*NOTE: This video is in production*

(Scene SUMMARY coming soon.)

SCENE 20 | The Beast

*NOTE: This video is in production*

(Scene SUMMARY coming soon.)

SCENE 21 | The Declaration

*NOTE: This video is in production*

(Scene SUMMARY coming soon.)

SCENE 22 | Fulfillment

*NOTE: This video is in production*

(Scene SUMMARY coming soon.)

C R E D I T S | Special thanks go to … Jade and the Syncopia Team … the many epic fantasy artists who generously share their work online … and various ambient sound effects artists, with special thanks to FANTASY REALM …